What should I do if the motorcycle chain is suddenly tight and loose?

It is mainly caused by the looseness of the two fastening nuts of the rear wheel. Please tighten them immediately, but before tightening, check the integrity of the chain. If there is any damage, it is recommended to replace it; pre-tighten it first. Ask After adjusting the chain tension, tighten it all.

Make timely adjustments to keep the tightness of the motorcycle chain at 15mm to 20mm. Check the buffer bearing frequently and add grease on time. Because the bearing has a harsh working environment, once it loses lubrication, the damage may be great. Once the bearing is damaged, , will cause the rear sprocket to tilt, which may cause wear on the side of the sprocket chain, or easily cause the chain to fall off.

In addition to adjusting the chain adjustment scale, visually observe whether the front and rear chainrings and the chain are in the same straight line, because the frame or rear wheel fork may be damaged.

motorcycle chain

When replacing the chainring, you must pay attention to replacing it with high-quality products made of good materials and fine craftsmanship (generally the accessories from special repair stations are more formal), which can extend its service life. Don’t be greedy for cheap and buy substandard products, especially substandard chainrings. There are many eccentric and out-of-center products. Once purchased and replaced, you will find that the chain is suddenly tight and loose, and the consequences are unpredictable.

Frequently check the matching clearance between the rear fork buffer rubber sleeve, the wheel fork and the wheel fork shaft, because this requires strict lateral clearance between the rear fork and the frame, and flexible up and down movement. Only in this way can the rear fork and the vehicle be ensured. The frame can be formed into one body without affecting the shock-absorbing effect of the rear shock-absorbing.

The connection between the rear fork and the frame is realized through the fork shaft, and it is also equipped with a buffer rubber sleeve. Since the quality of domestic buffer rubber sleeve products is not very stable at present, it is particularly prone to looseness.

Post time: Dec-20-2023