The chain of the mountain bike cannot be reversed and gets stuck as soon as it is reversed

The possible reasons why the mountain bike chain cannot be reversed and gets stuck are as follows:
1. The derailleur is not adjusted properly: During riding, the chain and derailleur are constantly rubbing. Over time, the derailleur may become loose or misaligned, causing the chain to get stuck. It is recommended that you go to the car dealership and ask a master to adjust the derailleur to ensure that it is in the correct position and has appropriate tightness.
2. The chain is short of oil: If the chain is short of oil, it will easily dry out and wear, and the friction resistance will increase, causing the chain to get stuck. It is recommended to add an appropriate amount of lubricant to the chain regularly, usually once after each ride.
3. The chain is stretched or the gears are worn: If the chain is stretched or the gears are severely worn, it may cause the chain to jam. It is recommended to regularly check the wear of the chain and gears and replace them promptly if there are any problems.
4. Improper adjustment of the derailleur: If the derailleur is improperly adjusted, it may result in a mismatch between the chain and the gears, causing the chain to jam. It is recommended to go to a car dealership and ask a mechanic to check and adjust the position and tightness of the transmission.
If none of the above methods can solve the problem, it is recommended to send the car to a dealership for inspection and repair to ensure the normal use of the vehicle.

simplex roller chain

Post time: Sep-21-2023