Problems and development directions of motorcycle chains

Problems and development directions
The motorcycle chain belongs to the basic category of industry and is a labor-intensive product. Especially in terms of heat treatment technology, it is still in the development stage. Due to the gap in technology and equipment, it is difficult for the chain to reach the expected service life (15000h). In order to meet this requirement, in addition to higher requirements on the structure, reliability and stability of the heat treatment equipment, more attention must be paid to the precise control of the composition of the furnace, that is, the precise control of carbon and nitrogen.
The heat treatment of parts is developing towards micro-distortion and high wear resistance. In order to greatly improve the tensile load of the pin and the wear resistance of the surface, manufacturers with R&D capabilities not only improve the materials used, but also try to treat the surface with other processes such as chromium plating, nitriding and carbonitriding. Also achieved better results. The key is how to develop a stable process and use it for large-scale production.
In terms of manufacturing sleeves, the technology at home and abroad is similar. Because the sleeve has an important impact on the wear resistance of motorcycle chains. That is to say, the wear and elongation of the chain is mainly reflected in the excessive wear of the pin and sleeve. Therefore, its material selection, joint method, carburizing and quenching quality and lubrication are key. The development and production of seamless sleeves is a hotspot for greatly improving the wear resistance of chains.

best motorcycle chains

Post time: Sep-09-2023