How to break double roller chain

Double roller chains are widely used in various industries for power transmission purposes. In some cases, however, it may be necessary to break this chain. Whether you need to replace a damaged link or modify the length for a new application, knowing how to properly break double roller chain is critical. In this blog post, we will guide you step-by-step through efficiently and safely disconnecting a double roller chain.

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Tools
Before starting, gather the tools needed for the task. These include chain breaker tools, punches or pins, hammers and goggles. During this process, it is very important to wear goggles to protect your eyes from flying debris.

Step 2: Identify the Links to Remove
Double roller chains consist of multiple interconnected links. Identify the specific link that needs to be removed by counting the number of teeth on the sprocket and matching it to the corresponding link.

Step 3: Secure the Chain
To prevent the chain from moving while handling, use a vise or clamp to secure it. Make sure the chain is securely fastened to avoid accidents or injuries during the break.

Step 4: Locate the Chain Breaker Tool
Chain breaker tools usually consist of a pin and a handle. Place it over the rivet of the link that needs to be removed. Make sure the pins line up perfectly with the rivets.

Step 5: Break the Chain
Tap the handle of the chain breaker tool with a hammer. Apply steady but firm pressure until the rivet is pushed into the joint. In some cases, you may need to hit the handle a few times to completely break the chain.

Step 6: Remove the link
After pushing the rivet out of the link, remove it and separate the chain. Be careful not to lose any small parts such as rollers or pins in the process.

Step 7: Reassemble the Chain
If you want to replace a link, insert a new link in place of the deleted link. Make sure the new link is properly aligned with the adjacent link. Gently tap the new rivet into place until it is securely seated.

Breaking a double roller chain may seem daunting at first, but by following these step-by-step instructions, you can safely and effectively break the chain without causing damage or injury. Remember to always wear safety goggles and use caution when using tools. Proper disconnection of double roller chains allows for proper maintenance, repair or customization, ensuring optimum performance in a variety of applications. With practice, you’ll become a master at breaking double roller chains.

40 roller chain sprocket

Post time: Jul-17-2023