how do you install a rolling chain link gate

Rolling link doors are an excellent choice when it comes to securing your property. It not only provides safety, but also convenience and durability. Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner, installing a rolling link door can be a worthwhile investment. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of installing a rolling link door, making sure you have all the necessary information to successfully complete the project.

Step 1: Gather Materials and Tools

Before starting the installation, it is crucial to gather all the materials and tools needed. This includes rolling link gates, gate posts, gate hardware, levels, backhole diggers, concrete mix, shovels and tape measures.

Step 2: Plan Gate Locations

Next, the gate locations must be planned. Measure the area where the door will be installed and mark the location of the door posts. Make sure the area is clear of any obstructions or obstructions.

Step 3: Dig the Post Holes

Using a post hole digger, dig holes for the gate posts. The depth and diameter of the hole will depend on the size and weight of the gate. In general, holes should be at least 30 inches deep and at least 12 inches in diameter to provide adequate stability.

Step 4: Install the Gateposts

Once the post holes have been dug, place the gate posts into the holes. Use a spirit level to make sure they are level and plumb. Adjust the posts as needed, and once they are straight, pour the concrete mix into the holes around the posts. Allow the concrete to set and cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step 5: Attach Door Hardware

While you wait for the concrete to cure, you can begin installing the door hardware. This includes hinges, latches, and any additional hardware required. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper installation, making sure all parts are securely fastened.

Step 6: Hang the Door

Once the post is set and the hardware installed, it’s time to hang the door. Lift the door onto its hinges and make sure it’s level. Adjust the door as needed, making sure the sides are equally spaced, then tighten any screws or bolts to secure it in place.

Step 7: Testing and Adjusting

After the gate is hung, carefully test the function of the rolling link gate. Open and close a few times to check for smooth operation and proper alignment. Make the necessary adjustments to ensure the door moves freely and locks securely in place.

Installing a rolling link door doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can install rolling link gates with confidence, enhancing the security and convenience of your property. Remember to carefully plan the gate location, dig the post holes, install the gate posts, attach the gate hardware, hang the gate, and make any necessary adjustments. With proper installation, your rolling link door will perform its function effectively and provide long-lasting security to your property.

chain guide roller

Post time: Jul-12-2023